Dr. Molly A. Swick

An Introduction

Raised on the shores of Sunny California and the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming, Dr. Molly A. Swick brings a unique perspective to education. She currently teaches Personal Wellness courses at Waubonsee Community College. In 2021 and 2022, she taught the health education courses for the Physical Education/Health Education K-12 Teaching Licensure program at Aurora University. In other past faculty positions, Dr. Swick has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in educational philosophy, critical pedagogy, and health education at Northern Illinois University. Her passion to move our society in a direction of compassion, hope and justice is evident in her commitment to using education as an agent to address and find remedies to issues pertaining to injustice. Dr. Swick's core commitment is excellence in teaching, and she has devoted her life to inspiring future and current teachers by presenting for various teacher education organizations as well as being a role model in her own classroom. The title of her dissertation is “Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Hope: An Autoethnography in a Social Justice Classroom.”